Genetron Performax® LT(R-407F)
Developed by Honeywell, R407F (Genetron® Performax™ LT) is the ideal retrofit solution for many existing R22 and R404A systems. This lowerGWP alternative has been shown to be more efficient than R404A in
many systems, thus combining environmental gains with lower energy costs. A straightforward retrofit process adds to the appeal of this solution.
R407F can also be used as a retrofit solution for R22. It has an extremely good capacity match to R22 in medium and low temperature commercial applications such as in supermarkets
Benefits at a Glance
- Lower environmental impact
- Zero ozone depletion potential
- Non-toxic and non-flammable
- 50% or higher reduction in GWP compared with R404A
Easy Retrofit Process
- No need to change TXV valve for R22 on most systems
- Approved for use by many compressor manufacturers
- Compatible with the same oils, elastomers and plastics as R404A
Impressive Performance
- Efficient R22 retrofit option
- Lower discharge temperature than R22
- Similar cooling capacity to R404A
- Energy savings of up to 10% in many R404A systems