Industrial Gases - Nitrogen
Nitrogen is a diatomic gas found mainly in the atmosphere, where it accounts for 78% of the air which we breath by volume. Colorless, tasteless and odorless,. nitrogen is relatively inert, non-combustible and intensely cold in liquid form. One volume of liquid nitrogen gives approximately 700 volumes of gas at ambient conditions.
Nitrogen is used for its inert qualities in refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants, and oil field installations. This gas is valued in the manufacture of ammonia, nitric acid, TNT and fertilizers as well as having important applications in the food packaging industry.
- Gas and vapor displacement for explosions and fires.
- Suppressing, purging, and the rendering inert of reactors and tanks.
- Deep freezing.
- Cryo grinding of plastics and food freezing.
- Manufacture of synthetic fibers.
- Condensation of solvents.
- Freezing of earth for boarding underground tunnels.
- Recovery of volatile organic compounds from mixed waste gases.
- Production of ammonia.
- Manufacture of semi-conductors.